About you

Please don't feel obliged to provide personal details if you prefer to remain anonymous. You can skip to the more general questions which help us learn about the profile of our supporters.

Your name

Your email address

Your location eg Country / Region / County or Municipality

Your local environment

Your age bracket

How did you hear about us?

Use of social media

Please rate the frequency with which you use any social media platforms, where 1 = many times a day 2 = a few times a day 3 = a few times in a week 4 = rarely 5 = never


1 = many times a day 2 = a few times a day 3 = a few times in a week 4 = rarely 5 = never


1 = many times a day 2 = a few times a day 3 = a few times in a week 4 = rarely 5 = never


1 = many times a day 2 = a few times a day 3 = a few times in a week 4 = rarely 5 = never


1 = many times a day 2 = a few times a day 3 = a few times in a week 4 = rarely 5 = never


Please enter the name of any other platforms you use, with a 1-5 rating as above.

What would you say was overall your most relied on source of national and international news?

Your talents, expertise or skill set

We're especially in need of help from those of you with a good grasp of social media, communication skills, graphic and digital skills, translation into other languages, charisma ....! Please let us know if there's anything you feel you might be able to contribute.

Many, many thanks for responding to this questionnaire. Your responses will help shape how we go on to build a public presence.